Thursday, August 9, 2012

Bad Breath – When It’s Time to See Your Dentist

What Causes Bad Breath?

Bad breath – it’s the last thing that you want to have to deal with after your busy day. That icky and yucky, odiferous feeling and taste in your mouth that literally feels like there is an ocean of organisms inhabiting your teeth. Wouldn’t you know it, bad breath is actually caused by organisms; microscopic organisms called bacteria, of which there are more than 600 types of bacterium that love to call the mouth home. Many of these bacteria consider the tongue their primary destination, and love to occupy the back of the tongue, where it is dark, warm and wet; the ideal breeding ground for bacteria. So here is what actually causes bad breath – in most cases. A majority of the bacteria emit what are called “malodorous compounds.” These compounds, combined with fatty acids and amino acids that break down proteins, are what cause that distinguishable odor from bad breath. As a matter of fact, in about 80-85% of all cases of bad breath—it can be directly attributed to these odiferous bacterium and malodorous compounds. Aside from bacteria, there are some other causes of bad breath.