Monday, August 27, 2012

Gum Boils – Why You Should See a Dentist Immediately

Gum Boils – Why You Should See a Dentist Immediately What Are Gum Boils?

A gum boil (gingival abscess) is a way of your body expelling or trying to expel bacteria and infection in the teeth, pulp chambers of the teeth and from the root canals of the mouth. Since there is very limited space in those areas, gum boils can form when infection is present as a way for the body to drain the infection. Gum boils generally mean that a tooth or root has become infected and requires treatment. In most cases, gum boils are the distinguishing sign of an abscessed tooth. If an abscessed tooth is the cause of the gum boils, your dentist will consider performing a root canal. A lot of people are frightened about a root canal because they infamously associate this type of very common dental procedure with a lot of pain and discomfort. But such is actually not the case whatsoever.