Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Dangers of Mercury Dental Amalgam Fillings – Why You Should Replace Them

Dangers of Mercury Dental Amalgam Fillings – Why You Should Replace Them


Dentistry has come a long way over the past six decades. Previously, there were only two popular options for tooth fillings: silver and gold. Silver was the most popular as it was more affordable than gold. Both gold and silver fillings looked unsightly in the mouth and were very noticeable, as were gold or silver caps and crowns. Numerous controversies has been stoked and deliberated over the dangers of silver fillings because they contain mercury, which is thought to contribute to toxicity dangers and prolonged health risks. Today, stronger, more durable and tooth-colored, mercury-free synthetic resin and or porcelain are used to fill teeth or crown and cap them—thus eradicating any previous concerns that were fomented over mercury fillings, and, of course, the rather unsightly nature of gold or silver-colored amalgams. If you still have silver fillings (or gold) and you’ve ever wondered why you should considered having them replaced, here are the top reasons why.