Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Simple Pre-New Year’s Smile Resolutions: Use Your Dental Insurance Before it Renews

Simple Pre-New Year’s Smile Resolutions: Use Your Dental Insurance Before


It’s getting to be that time of the year again. Halloween marks the start of the holiday season and much welcomed colder weather in Arizona. Before we know it, Thanksgiving and the Yuletide season will be upon us. What better time of the year to make a pre-New Year resolution to get caught up on any dental care that you might require, and before your annual dental insurance benefits renew.

With any dental insurance plan, you are afforded certain specified annual benefits. These can range between plans and coverage options that you have elected. However, these plans all share one thing in common: once January 1st hits, those annual coverage allotments renew. They are not like rollover minutes, and your annual allotment does not carry over to the next year. So that means that if you do not use it up in time—it’s essentially like you are throwing money out of the window.