Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Dentists Nationwide Remind Patients to Brush 2x per Day, Floss, Use Mouth Rinse

You more than likely heard it before from your dentist if you are bad brusher: “Your teeth are decayed and we have to drill and fill some cavities.” The primary reasons dentists have to fill cavities in your teeth – or why you may suffer from other oral health problems such as bleeding gums, receding gums, gum disease, enamel erosion and tooth decay – is due to improper brushing, infrequent flossing, lack of using mouth rinse, and not seeing your dentist twice per year for an oral health checkup. Dentists nationwide are reminding people to revisit their oral hygiene habits. By adhering to a simple five minute ritual twice per day, you could easily get your oral health in check in a jiffy. And ten minutes per day for good teeth and gums is a small price to pay in lieu of what you could otherwise be spending on dental treatments and the possibility of getting a devastating toothache. So what habits do you need to embrace for good oral health?