Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Only Six Weeks Left to Use Up Your Dental Insurance Benefits Before it Renews

Only Six Weeks Left to Use Up Your Dental Insurance Benefits Before it RenewsThe holidays are nearly upon us. In about a week and a half it will be Thanksgiving. With only about six weeks left in the year, it’s a great time to use up any remaining dental insurance benefits that you have not used up this year, and before they renew in January. While the last thing on your mind is probably dental insurance or a checkup, it’s a great way to make the most of your insurance before time runs out. Dental insurance benefits only cover you for the calendar year, which means that if you don’t use up your allotted benefits by the end of the year, they vanish and reset come January 1st. It’s nearly like you are throwing money out the window, for all extents and purposes.

Yearly Maximum

Every year your dental insurance company will offer to help you pay for treatments. They cap the total they will pay out towards dental procedures at a certain amount that generally ranges between $1,000-$2,000; and if you don’t use up those benefits, they go away. Unlike your cell phone minutes, there is no rollover with these benefits, making it ideal to use them up each year.


The arrival of the new year also means that your deductible resets. That’s the amount that you have to pay out of pocket prior to your coverage and annual allotment kicking in and helping you out. Many times this is about $50-$100 in fees that you must shell out before your insurance will start paying on claims. So it’s wise to use up your dental insurance benefits now to avoid paying this deductible in January.

New Year, New Fees

You never know, your insurance fees may increase due to inflation. You could see a higher deductible, or increased co-pays. Each year your insurance renews it will also be underwritten again. This can make for substantial changes in your benefits that also affect your wallet.

Have You Used Your Dental Insurance Benefits for 2012?

At Dental Design Studio in Arizona, we accept most types of dental insurance. If you have not used your benefits up this year, you only have six weeks left to do so. So contact us today to schedule your appointment. Don’t let your benefits renew without using them up; it is your money after all, and you’ve paid for these important insurance benefits.