Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Four Simple Daily Tips for Good Oral Health Care

It’s a busy, stop and go world in which we live. Sometimes we can feel so overwhelmed by our day to day lives that it’s difficult to even imagine being able to have any time for anything else except for work and our family lives. But your teeth and gums need some love and care, too. So even if you find yourself always on the go—these simple oral health care tips can really come in handy for preserving your teeth, gums and smile.

Portable Floss, Mouth Rinse & Toothbrush

Stock up on your workplace dental supplies. A travel toothbrush and floss kit with miniature mouth rinse is all that you will need. Dedicate a few moments of your lunch break to brushing, flossing and rinsing. Your teeth and gums will greatly thank you.

Drink Water with Acidic Beverages

Many people like to enjoy energy drinks or coffee to wake up in the morning. The problem with these drinks is that they are very acidic, and acid can wear down the enamel (the protective outer coating on your teeth), making teeth more prone to decay, sensitivity and infection. The easy answer: drink a sip of water here and there when drinking such beverages; the water will help to neutralize the acids and prevent enamel erosion.

Use a Straw; Don’t Sip

As opposed to drinking any sugary or acidic beverages by sipping, use a straw instead. This helps protect your teeth, as most of the liquids don’t touch your teeth as they would when sipping. A straw is the safest way to consume sugary or acidic beverages.

Avoid Sugar

This one is an obvious dental tip, but necessary and useful. Refined sugars are the key culprit in tooth decay. That’s because bacteria love to thrive on sugars. There are more than one hundred bacteria that inhabit the mouth. Sugar is sticky and clings to teeth, making it easy for bacteria-laden plaque to form. The simplest solution: avoid sugar as much as possible when you are unable to brush or floss directly afterwards.

Need an Oral Health Checkup?

At Dental Design Studio in Arizona, we are ready to become your oral health partner. With four offices located valleywide to serve you, it’s easy and convenient to stop in at one. If you have not seen a dentist in six months, you will want an oral health checkup to make sure that your teeth and gums are healthy. Call or click to schedule your appointment today!

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