Wednesday, November 14, 2012

In Recent ADA Oral Health Report, Americans Score Poorly

In Recent Oral Health Report, Americans Score PoorlyThe ADA recent conducted a national survey to find out what the status is of the oral health in Americans today. The results actually showed that Americans have poor oral health and could be doing some simple things to better take care of their teeth and gums.

The president of the ADA,  William R. Calnon, DDS, who is also a practicing dentist in Rochester, NY, stated: “The results of the survey were quite shocking and really show how important it is for people to become more involved in their own oral health.”

So how shocking were the results? Pretty shocking. 90 percent of adults ages 21-64 surveyed were found to have cavities in their permanent teeth. Nearly 50 percent of all children ages 2-11 were found to have cavities in their baby teeth. And, as the study purports, the most common disease in children during the present day is dental disease.

In efforts to ramp up oral health care in America, the ADA has launched a new website: The site targets the average person and offers a handy dental IQ tests as well as plenty of oral health guidelines and tips on proper care of teeth and gums in efforts to better educate Americans on the importance of proper oral health care.

“Oral health is a critical part of overall health. will help empower people to take charge of their oral health,” Dr. Calnon emphasized.

The national survey by the ADA revealed some interesting factoids about the oral health of Americans during the modern day.

  • 90 percent of adults believe teeth should be cleaned after each meal, when the ADA simply advises to clean them twice per day.
  • 81 percent of people believe that cavities are caused by sugar; when they are actually caused by bacteria that feed off the sugar and emit acids that wear down the enamel.
  • 75 percent were unaware of the age when a child should be brought to the dentist for the first time; which the ADA says should occur six months after the first tooth shows up.
  • 65 percent think that a toothbrush should only be replaced twice a year, when the ADA recommends four to six times per year.
  • 59 percent of adults are not aware that cavity causing germs can be spread from person to person via oral-to-oral contact (kissing).

Need an Oral Health Checkup?

Dentists recommend that you should get a checkup at least one time every six months for good oral health. At Dental Design Studio in Arizona, we are your oral health care partners. Don’t put off seeing your dentist, stop in today. The purpose of checkups is to catch dental problems while they are minor and treat them early to prevent costlier and more invasive dental procedures. Call or click to schedule your appointment at one of our four offices today!