Thursday, November 15, 2012

Want Healthy Teeth and Gums? Four Simple Tips for Good Oral Health



Good oral health can be achieved and maintained by following four simple rituals that will help you enjoy strong teeth and healthy gums now and well into the future. The fact of the matter is that many people tragically overlook the basic tenants of proper oral hygiene, which results in countless cavities, root canals and lost teeth every year. By making a simple commitment to the following four routines, you can preserve your smile for a lifetime. Considering that these routines are relatively simple and easy to do, don’t put your smile in jeopardy by ignoring them.

See Your Dentist Twice Per Year

You should be seeing your dentist twice per year for a complete oral checkup and dental cleaning. This checkup helps your dentist identify any areas of concern and allows them to clean your teeth and remove any built up plaque and tartar. Most dental problems start out as very minor problems that are ignored by lack of frequency in visiting your dental practitioner. The goal of semiannual checkups is to find problems while they are minor and treat them to prevent them from escalating into major dental problems later on.

Brush Your Teeth Three Times Daily

While most dentists advise that you should be brushing your teeth twice per day, it’s helpful to commit to a third brushing. Ideal times to brush include: after breakfast and before work, after lunch at work (using a travel toothbrush) and before you go to bed. Don’t forget to rinse with a fluoride rich antiseptic mouthwash after each brush for maximum protection against germs and for fresh breath.

Commit to Flossing Twice Per Day

Flossing is the key goal in preventing tooth decay and in removing food particles that become lodged in the teeth. You should be flossing your teeth twice per day, in morning and in the evening. While flossing may be inconvenient, a toothache is far more inconvenient. Flossing only takes a couple of minutes—so commit to a strong routine for healthy teeth and gums.

Avoid Acidic and Sugary Beverages

There is a common misconception that sugar causes cavities. It is in fact the bacteria that feed off sugar and emit acids that wear down the enamel on your teeth that contributes to cavities. While you don’t have to quit sugar altogether, reduce your intake of it. For that matter, reduce your intake of acidic beverages like coffee and soda that can cause equal wear and tear on your teeth.

Good oral health can be achieved and maintained by following four simple rituals that will help you enjoy strong teeth and healthy gums now and well into the future. The fact of the matter is that many people tragically overlook the basic tenants of proper oral hygiene, which results in countless cavities, root canals and lost teeth every year. By making a simple commitment to the following four routines, you can preserve your smile for a lifetime. Considering that these routines are relatively simple and easy to do, don’t put your smile in jeopardy by ignoring them.

See Your Dentist Twice Per Year

You should be seeing your dentist twice per year for a complete oral checkup and dental cleaning. This checkup helps your dentist identify any areas of concern and allows them to clean your teeth and remove any built up plaque and tartar. Most dental problems start out as very minor problems that are ignored by lack of frequency in visiting your dental practitioner. The goal of semiannual checkups is to find problems while they are minor and treat them to prevent them from escalating into major dental problems later on.

Brush Your Teeth Three Times Daily

While most dentists advise that you should be brushing your teeth twice per day, it’s helpful to commit to a third brushing. Ideal times to brush include: after breakfast and before work, after lunch at work (using a travel toothbrush) and before you go to bed. Don’t forget to rinse with a fluoride rich antiseptic mouthwash after each brush for maximum protection against germs and for fresh breath.

Commit to Flossing Twice Per Day

Flossing is the key goal in preventing tooth decay and in removing food particles that become lodged in the teeth. You should be flossing your teeth twice per day, in morning and in the evening. While flossing may be inconvenient, a toothache is far more inconvenient. Flossing only takes a couple of minutes—so commit to a strong routine for healthy teeth and gums.

Avoid Acidic and Sugary Beverages

There is a common misconception that sugar causes cavities. It is in fact the bacteria that feed off sugar and emit acids that wear down the enamel on your teeth that contributes to cavities. While you don’t have to quit sugar altogether, reduce your intake of it. For that matter, reduce your intake of acidic beverages like coffee and soda that can cause equal wear and tear on your teeth.