Friday, November 2, 2012

Is Your Toothpaste Too Abrasive? One Research Firm Aims to Find Out


The toothpaste that you buy from the store is designed to perform several functions when used. It’s supposed to help you brush any plaque away using abrasive cleaning agents; it’s supposed to help combat bacteria that thrive inside of the mouth; it’s supposed to deliver fluoride to help your teeth remineralize; it’s supposed to help you keep your gums healthy; and allow you to enjoy fresher breath. But is the toothpaste that you are using too abrasive for your teeth’s enamel? Which paste is the best for enamel, and which one is the best for cavity prevention? A new evaluation method aims to shed some light on this matter and answer these questions.

New Toothpaste Evaluation Process

Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials IWM in Hall has a team of researchers who aim to find out the answers to these important questions and ultimately present a new evaluation method and system for toothpastes. They’ve developed a new process that will test the effects of toothpastes and their abrasiveness so consumers can make better informed decisions on which one is best for their oral hygiene.