Friday, November 16, 2012

Scared of the Dentist? Use These Tips on How to Overcome Dental Fear

Scared of the dentist? You can join the ranks of the countless whose most commonly lamented medical woe is a trip to see their dental practitioner. However, should you be ready to confront your fears – and overcome them – you can use these easy tips to overcome your dental fear.

Inform Your Dentist of Your Fears

By letting your dentist know that you are intimidated of dental procedures, he or she can make the best accommodations for you. Dentists during the modern day have many anxiety reducing options to make your next visit far more comfortable. Don’t be shy of discussing your dental fear with your dentist; they are willing to assist you.

Modernized Dental Care is Virtually Pain-Free

Bear in mind that leaps and bounds have been made with modern dentistry. Today, most procedures are pain-free and comfortable. With topical numbing solutions, you really won’t even feel injections anymore.

Your Procedure Explained

Sometimes it helps to know what is going to be done during your procedure. Your dentist will be able to walk you through it a step at a time. Many times, dentists are willing to talk you through the procedure as they perform it to induce calmness.

Relaxation Medications

Some dental offices even offer relaxation medications. So consider your options with sedation dentistry and anti anxiety medications that can help you remain calmer during appointments. Talk to your dentist, they have many options that are available for you.

Moderate Breathing & Relax

The calmer that you can approach your appointment, the smoother that it will go. Try meditating, and taking deep, moderated breaths at the time of your appointment. Relax and even wear a pair of sunglasses to shield your eyes from the bright light, and a set of headphones so you don’t hear the drill operating.

Create Hand Signs for your Dentist

Talk to your dentist about using body language to express discomfort. You can use simple hands signals if you need a break. You can also develop signals for signs of discomfort or pain during procedures to make your appointment easier.

Take it Slow

Ask your dentist to take their time during the appointment. This allows you to relax and break the ice more. And most dentists are more than happy to take their time so you can relax and make it through your appointment. A caring dentist is here to help you get the oral health care that you need. So don’t be frightened to discuss your fears and to ask for accommodations to proactively seek out the dental care that you require for good oral health.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Want Healthy Teeth and Gums? Four Simple Tips for Good Oral Health



Good oral health can be achieved and maintained by following four simple rituals that will help you enjoy strong teeth and healthy gums now and well into the future. The fact of the matter is that many people tragically overlook the basic tenants of proper oral hygiene, which results in countless cavities, root canals and lost teeth every year. By making a simple commitment to the following four routines, you can preserve your smile for a lifetime. Considering that these routines are relatively simple and easy to do, don’t put your smile in jeopardy by ignoring them.

See Your Dentist Twice Per Year

You should be seeing your dentist twice per year for a complete oral checkup and dental cleaning. This checkup helps your dentist identify any areas of concern and allows them to clean your teeth and remove any built up plaque and tartar. Most dental problems start out as very minor problems that are ignored by lack of frequency in visiting your dental practitioner. The goal of semiannual checkups is to find problems while they are minor and treat them to prevent them from escalating into major dental problems later on.

Brush Your Teeth Three Times Daily

While most dentists advise that you should be brushing your teeth twice per day, it’s helpful to commit to a third brushing. Ideal times to brush include: after breakfast and before work, after lunch at work (using a travel toothbrush) and before you go to bed. Don’t forget to rinse with a fluoride rich antiseptic mouthwash after each brush for maximum protection against germs and for fresh breath.

Commit to Flossing Twice Per Day

Flossing is the key goal in preventing tooth decay and in removing food particles that become lodged in the teeth. You should be flossing your teeth twice per day, in morning and in the evening. While flossing may be inconvenient, a toothache is far more inconvenient. Flossing only takes a couple of minutes—so commit to a strong routine for healthy teeth and gums.

Avoid Acidic and Sugary Beverages

There is a common misconception that sugar causes cavities. It is in fact the bacteria that feed off sugar and emit acids that wear down the enamel on your teeth that contributes to cavities. While you don’t have to quit sugar altogether, reduce your intake of it. For that matter, reduce your intake of acidic beverages like coffee and soda that can cause equal wear and tear on your teeth.

Good oral health can be achieved and maintained by following four simple rituals that will help you enjoy strong teeth and healthy gums now and well into the future. The fact of the matter is that many people tragically overlook the basic tenants of proper oral hygiene, which results in countless cavities, root canals and lost teeth every year. By making a simple commitment to the following four routines, you can preserve your smile for a lifetime. Considering that these routines are relatively simple and easy to do, don’t put your smile in jeopardy by ignoring them.

See Your Dentist Twice Per Year

You should be seeing your dentist twice per year for a complete oral checkup and dental cleaning. This checkup helps your dentist identify any areas of concern and allows them to clean your teeth and remove any built up plaque and tartar. Most dental problems start out as very minor problems that are ignored by lack of frequency in visiting your dental practitioner. The goal of semiannual checkups is to find problems while they are minor and treat them to prevent them from escalating into major dental problems later on.

Brush Your Teeth Three Times Daily

While most dentists advise that you should be brushing your teeth twice per day, it’s helpful to commit to a third brushing. Ideal times to brush include: after breakfast and before work, after lunch at work (using a travel toothbrush) and before you go to bed. Don’t forget to rinse with a fluoride rich antiseptic mouthwash after each brush for maximum protection against germs and for fresh breath.

Commit to Flossing Twice Per Day

Flossing is the key goal in preventing tooth decay and in removing food particles that become lodged in the teeth. You should be flossing your teeth twice per day, in morning and in the evening. While flossing may be inconvenient, a toothache is far more inconvenient. Flossing only takes a couple of minutes—so commit to a strong routine for healthy teeth and gums.

Avoid Acidic and Sugary Beverages

There is a common misconception that sugar causes cavities. It is in fact the bacteria that feed off sugar and emit acids that wear down the enamel on your teeth that contributes to cavities. While you don’t have to quit sugar altogether, reduce your intake of it. For that matter, reduce your intake of acidic beverages like coffee and soda that can cause equal wear and tear on your teeth.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

In Recent ADA Oral Health Report, Americans Score Poorly

In Recent Oral Health Report, Americans Score PoorlyThe ADA recent conducted a national survey to find out what the status is of the oral health in Americans today. The results actually showed that Americans have poor oral health and could be doing some simple things to better take care of their teeth and gums.

The president of the ADA,  William R. Calnon, DDS, who is also a practicing dentist in Rochester, NY, stated: “The results of the survey were quite shocking and really show how important it is for people to become more involved in their own oral health.”

So how shocking were the results? Pretty shocking. 90 percent of adults ages 21-64 surveyed were found to have cavities in their permanent teeth. Nearly 50 percent of all children ages 2-11 were found to have cavities in their baby teeth. And, as the study purports, the most common disease in children during the present day is dental disease.

In efforts to ramp up oral health care in America, the ADA has launched a new website: The site targets the average person and offers a handy dental IQ tests as well as plenty of oral health guidelines and tips on proper care of teeth and gums in efforts to better educate Americans on the importance of proper oral health care.

“Oral health is a critical part of overall health. will help empower people to take charge of their oral health,” Dr. Calnon emphasized.

The national survey by the ADA revealed some interesting factoids about the oral health of Americans during the modern day.

  • 90 percent of adults believe teeth should be cleaned after each meal, when the ADA simply advises to clean them twice per day.
  • 81 percent of people believe that cavities are caused by sugar; when they are actually caused by bacteria that feed off the sugar and emit acids that wear down the enamel.
  • 75 percent were unaware of the age when a child should be brought to the dentist for the first time; which the ADA says should occur six months after the first tooth shows up.
  • 65 percent think that a toothbrush should only be replaced twice a year, when the ADA recommends four to six times per year.
  • 59 percent of adults are not aware that cavity causing germs can be spread from person to person via oral-to-oral contact (kissing).

Need an Oral Health Checkup?

Dentists recommend that you should get a checkup at least one time every six months for good oral health. At Dental Design Studio in Arizona, we are your oral health care partners. Don’t put off seeing your dentist, stop in today. The purpose of checkups is to catch dental problems while they are minor and treat them early to prevent costlier and more invasive dental procedures. Call or click to schedule your appointment at one of our four offices today!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Only Six Weeks Left to Use Up Your Dental Insurance Benefits Before it Renews

Only Six Weeks Left to Use Up Your Dental Insurance Benefits Before it RenewsThe holidays are nearly upon us. In about a week and a half it will be Thanksgiving. With only about six weeks left in the year, it’s a great time to use up any remaining dental insurance benefits that you have not used up this year, and before they renew in January. While the last thing on your mind is probably dental insurance or a checkup, it’s a great way to make the most of your insurance before time runs out. Dental insurance benefits only cover you for the calendar year, which means that if you don’t use up your allotted benefits by the end of the year, they vanish and reset come January 1st. It’s nearly like you are throwing money out the window, for all extents and purposes.

Yearly Maximum

Every year your dental insurance company will offer to help you pay for treatments. They cap the total they will pay out towards dental procedures at a certain amount that generally ranges between $1,000-$2,000; and if you don’t use up those benefits, they go away. Unlike your cell phone minutes, there is no rollover with these benefits, making it ideal to use them up each year.


The arrival of the new year also means that your deductible resets. That’s the amount that you have to pay out of pocket prior to your coverage and annual allotment kicking in and helping you out. Many times this is about $50-$100 in fees that you must shell out before your insurance will start paying on claims. So it’s wise to use up your dental insurance benefits now to avoid paying this deductible in January.

New Year, New Fees

You never know, your insurance fees may increase due to inflation. You could see a higher deductible, or increased co-pays. Each year your insurance renews it will also be underwritten again. This can make for substantial changes in your benefits that also affect your wallet.

Have You Used Your Dental Insurance Benefits for 2012?

At Dental Design Studio in Arizona, we accept most types of dental insurance. If you have not used your benefits up this year, you only have six weeks left to do so. So contact us today to schedule your appointment. Don’t let your benefits renew without using them up; it is your money after all, and you’ve paid for these important insurance benefits.

Friday, November 9, 2012

New Study Shows Dental Implants Have 90 Percent Success Rate

New Study Shows Dental Implants Have Strong 90 Percent Success RateIf you want to replace missing teeth and correct your smile and bite, there is a fantastic solution that’s available to you that utilizes the latest and greatest advancements in dental medicine: dental implants. But how effective are dental implants, and what success rate or failure rate do they have for patients in the long term?

According to a recent study that was conducted by researchers at the Loma Linda University School of Dentistry in the US, the success rate is pretty good, to the tune of about a 90 percent success rate. However, the success rate, according to the study, also greatly wagers on the dentist who is performing the procedure and their experience.

Common causes for implant failure include: improper care of teeth by the patient, smoking, bruxism (teeth grinding) and the type of prosthesis that’s being used.

To assess the efficacy of the study, researchers used the records of patients who had received full-arch maxillary and/or mandibular supported fixed complete dentures over a period of ten years.

Success Rate of Dental Implants Wagers on Dentist Experience

According to the study, the more experienced that your dentist is, the more successful that you can expect your dental implant to be. The records of patients who were treated with 297 implants at the school over the past decade were reviewed and compared.

  • 12 percent of implants failed when the dentists had fewer than five years experience.
  • Implants were twice as likely to fail if the dentist had completed fewer than 50 implant procedures.
  • One-third of patients with diabetes or bruxism experienced failed dental implants.
  • 90 percent of the time, overall, dental implants are successful, regardless of risk factor or practitioner experience.

Considering Dental Implants to Replace Missing Teeth?

Interestingly enough, one of our doctors graduated from the same school that fomented this study, Dr. Sweet, who graduated from the  Loma Linda School of Dentistry in 2002 (learn more about our doctors).

At Dental Design Studio in Arizona, we are your oral health care partners. With four modern, inviting and relaxing offices in central Arizona to serve you, we can help you maintain your oral health. As dental implant specialists, we are pleased to offer consultations for those who are seeking dental implants to replace missing teeth. Learn more about dental implants.

We also have a unique program where you can get same day dental implants right away. Learn more about same day dental implants.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

New Molecule Could Cavity-Proof Your Teeth


Could it be possible that a simple molecular discovery enables the beta prototype for cavity proofing teeth, a molecule that could be added to cavity inducing products like sweets, candies, chewing gum and even soda pop? Considering everywhere that technology and medical breakthroughs have taken mankind, nothing is impossible at this point. And in answer to the question poised above, a solution of this sort is already well in the works.

Research Began in 2005

Back in 2005, research began on such a molecule. The goal was to develop something that inhibited bacterial growth in the mouth. Bacteria are what cause tooth decay. There are more than 100 bacterium that inhabit the mouth and that generally like to feed off the sugars we ingest. When bacteria consume these sugars, they emit acidic compounds that eat away or demineralize the protective coating on the teeth (enamel), and that ultimately contribute to tooth decay and rot. Additionally, bacteria emit an odoriferous compound that is the key cause of bad breath (halitosis).

Basis of the Solution

The hypothesis of such a compound would be to eradicate and eliminate bacteria that contribute to tooth decay and halitosis. Two researchers, José Córdoba of Yale University, and Erich Astudillo of the Universidad de Santiago in Chile, set out to answer this question and to see if they could create such a compound that combated bacteria in the mouth at the molecular level. They’ve discovered a molecule that does just that, something they have affably named “Keep 32.” It’s a powerful antibacterial agent that can be added to many types of sugary foods known to cause cavities. It takes about one minute to fully cleanse the mouth and prevent cavities from bacteria.

Human, Clinical Trials Forthcoming
The primary hang-up for the duo will be getting the Keep 32 approved in a similar category to fluoride; which helps remineralize teeth, and that works to combat Streptococcus Mutans (the most common bacteria in the mouth). The molecule is set to enter human test trials over the months to come. Pending the outcome of those trials, and the efficacy that’s established at the clinical level, it could very well end up being licensed to major toothpaste makers like Colgate or Proctor and Gamble. The only setback would be the FDA labeling this molecule as an antibiotic—which would place it in an entirely different and controlled and regulated category that may prevent it from being as widespread in use as the makers intended.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Four Simple Daily Tips for Good Oral Health Care

It’s a busy, stop and go world in which we live. Sometimes we can feel so overwhelmed by our day to day lives that it’s difficult to even imagine being able to have any time for anything else except for work and our family lives. But your teeth and gums need some love and care, too. So even if you find yourself always on the go—these simple oral health care tips can really come in handy for preserving your teeth, gums and smile.

Portable Floss, Mouth Rinse & Toothbrush

Stock up on your workplace dental supplies. A travel toothbrush and floss kit with miniature mouth rinse is all that you will need. Dedicate a few moments of your lunch break to brushing, flossing and rinsing. Your teeth and gums will greatly thank you.

Drink Water with Acidic Beverages

Many people like to enjoy energy drinks or coffee to wake up in the morning. The problem with these drinks is that they are very acidic, and acid can wear down the enamel (the protective outer coating on your teeth), making teeth more prone to decay, sensitivity and infection. The easy answer: drink a sip of water here and there when drinking such beverages; the water will help to neutralize the acids and prevent enamel erosion.

Use a Straw; Don’t Sip

As opposed to drinking any sugary or acidic beverages by sipping, use a straw instead. This helps protect your teeth, as most of the liquids don’t touch your teeth as they would when sipping. A straw is the safest way to consume sugary or acidic beverages.

Avoid Sugar

This one is an obvious dental tip, but necessary and useful. Refined sugars are the key culprit in tooth decay. That’s because bacteria love to thrive on sugars. There are more than one hundred bacteria that inhabit the mouth. Sugar is sticky and clings to teeth, making it easy for bacteria-laden plaque to form. The simplest solution: avoid sugar as much as possible when you are unable to brush or floss directly afterwards.

Need an Oral Health Checkup?

At Dental Design Studio in Arizona, we are ready to become your oral health partner. With four offices located valleywide to serve you, it’s easy and convenient to stop in at one. If you have not seen a dentist in six months, you will want an oral health checkup to make sure that your teeth and gums are healthy. Call or click to schedule your appointment today!

Learn more at:

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Dentists Nationwide Remind Patients to Brush 2x per Day, Floss, Use Mouth Rinse

You more than likely heard it before from your dentist if you are bad brusher: “Your teeth are decayed and we have to drill and fill some cavities.” The primary reasons dentists have to fill cavities in your teeth – or why you may suffer from other oral health problems such as bleeding gums, receding gums, gum disease, enamel erosion and tooth decay – is due to improper brushing, infrequent flossing, lack of using mouth rinse, and not seeing your dentist twice per year for an oral health checkup. Dentists nationwide are reminding people to revisit their oral hygiene habits. By adhering to a simple five minute ritual twice per day, you could easily get your oral health in check in a jiffy. And ten minutes per day for good teeth and gums is a small price to pay in lieu of what you could otherwise be spending on dental treatments and the possibility of getting a devastating toothache. So what habits do you need to embrace for good oral health?


Monday, November 5, 2012

Top Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Postpone Dental Checkups

Top Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Postpone Dental Checkups

According to the ADA, a person should see their dentist for a dental checkup at least twice per year; and in some cases more frequently depending upon the nature of their oral health. The primary reason to see your dentist two times per year is to help keep your teeth and gums healthy with regular dental cleanings, and to catch any problems while they are still minor, and treat them, in order to prevent major dental problems from occurring later on down the road. While some people are really good about diligently seeing their dental practitioner, it’s not a long shot to say that most people are not so fond of going to the dentist. So before you put off that next appointment, find out why it’s so critical you see your dentist at least twice per year.


Friday, November 2, 2012

Is Your Toothpaste Too Abrasive? One Research Firm Aims to Find Out


The toothpaste that you buy from the store is designed to perform several functions when used. It’s supposed to help you brush any plaque away using abrasive cleaning agents; it’s supposed to help combat bacteria that thrive inside of the mouth; it’s supposed to deliver fluoride to help your teeth remineralize; it’s supposed to help you keep your gums healthy; and allow you to enjoy fresher breath. But is the toothpaste that you are using too abrasive for your teeth’s enamel? Which paste is the best for enamel, and which one is the best for cavity prevention? A new evaluation method aims to shed some light on this matter and answer these questions.

New Toothpaste Evaluation Process

Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials IWM in Hall has a team of researchers who aim to find out the answers to these important questions and ultimately present a new evaluation method and system for toothpastes. They’ve developed a new process that will test the effects of toothpastes and their abrasiveness so consumers can make better informed decisions on which one is best for their oral hygiene.


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Early Trips to Dentist Will Help Protect Your Toddler’s Teeth

According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, children should have their first dental visit by the age of one. The strange sounds, different smells, new people and oddly shaped tools and chairs can certainly be unsettling for some children, and can make any child nervous to visit the dentist. However, the most assured method of helping children overcome dental anxiety early on is by getting them used to seeing the dentist from a very young age.

According to Dr. Buddy Brice, a board certified practitioner with the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry, the younger that children become used to visiting the dentist, the better they are prepared for good oral health care, and the more easily parents can be educated, too.


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Simple Pre-New Year’s Smile Resolutions: Use Your Dental Insurance Before it Renews

Simple Pre-New Year’s Smile Resolutions: Use Your Dental Insurance Before


It’s getting to be that time of the year again. Halloween marks the start of the holiday season and much welcomed colder weather in Arizona. Before we know it, Thanksgiving and the Yuletide season will be upon us. What better time of the year to make a pre-New Year resolution to get caught up on any dental care that you might require, and before your annual dental insurance benefits renew.

With any dental insurance plan, you are afforded certain specified annual benefits. These can range between plans and coverage options that you have elected. However, these plans all share one thing in common: once January 1st hits, those annual coverage allotments renew. They are not like rollover minutes, and your annual allotment does not carry over to the next year. So that means that if you do not use it up in time—it’s essentially like you are throwing money out of the window.


Friday, October 26, 2012

New Finding Confirms Stone Age Dental Filling, Evidence of Neolithic Dentistry

one-age dental filling

PIC: A 6,500-year-old human mndible shows evidence of beeswax used to seal a cracked, upper canine. A microphotograph of crown in occlusal view shows indication of surface covered by beeswax (within yellow dotted line). DTI/Photos Plos One,, Sept. 19, 2012, Vol. 7, Issue 9 e44904)

If you ever wondered if cavemen had dentists, guess what: they in fact did, to some extent. A finding that was discovered in Slovenia of a Neolithic tooth shows clear-cut evidence that there was dentistry at this point in time.

While there is some back and forth debate over whether the beeswax filling found in this tooth was placed inside of it to remedy a dental issue that was being experienced by the patient while he was alive, researchers and experts think that it was because of the placement of the filling; which protects the exposed dentin in the tooth by filling the cavity with beeswax.


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Survey Reveals Children Fear Cavities from Halloween; Would Rather Have Video Games Instead

A recent survey that was conducted by the American Dental Association and PopCap Games reveals some rather surprising insight on to the thought patterns that children have in association between Halloween, candy and cavities: kids would rather get a toy, like a free video game, or something else fun as opposed to candy that they know can contribute to tooth decay and the dreaded cavities. The survey was targeted to children between the ages of 5 and 13-years-old – the average age of the trick-or-treaters in the US. The questions revolved around Halloween, trick-or-treating and candy, as well as children’s views regarding this popular kid’s holiday.


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

New Study Suggests Coconut Oil May Help Prevent Tooth Decay

New Study Suggests Coconut Oil May Help Prevent Tooth Decay
An interesting study conducted by researchers at the Athlone Institute of Technology in Ireland has revealed that a new natural agent could help in the fight against tooth decay. The unlikely constituent: coconut oil. This week, at the Society for General Microbiology’s autumn conference at the University of Warwick, England, the institute unveiled the findings of its study, noting that an antibacterial agent found in digested coconut oil looked promising for helping to prevent tooth decay.

The goal of the researcher team, led by Dr. Damien Brady, was to determine whether or not coconut oil could help combat a particular strain of Streptococcus bacteria which are found in the mouth, and that are known to cause tooth decay. The goal was to test out the efficacy of the oil in its natural and in its semi-digested state. Certain enzymes were added to intimate the testing process of the oil.

The study concluded that natural oil that was undigested had virtually no impact upon the bacteria. However, the scientists did find that when the compound was digested, it showed significant effects upon preventing the multiplication of the Streptococcus bacteria.


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

New Medicated Chewing Gum Could Help Prevent Motion Sickness

New Medicated Chewing Gum Could Help Prevent Motion Sickness

A new prototype for motion sickness medication has surfaced—a creation and design by researchers at the RoshaDarou Co—which may offer some innate advantages over capsule form drugs  that have slower absorption rates and that have less patient compliance. The newest solution being considered: medicated chewing gum. The solution is being developed to enhance the absorption rate and increase patient usage (a lot of patients don’t adhere to doctor advice on motion sickness drugs, and as a result do not reap the benefits of the slower acting capsule forms of these medications). Could this revelation present a new direction for all drugs?


Monday, October 22, 2012

Irish Dentists Toying with Idea of Urging Patients to Keep a Diet Diary to Prevent Cavities and Tooth Decay

Irish Dentists Toying with Idea of Urging Patients to Keep a Diet Diary to Prevent Cavities and Tooth Decay

Proper dental care and the importance of it is a wide-reaching endeavor. Worldwide, countries continuously try to educate people on why taking proper care of your mouth, teeth and gums is a crucial element that’s paramount to your well-being. In today’s story, we head way across the pond, all the way over to Ireland, where dentists are toying with a new concept that might be able to provide them with invaluable insight into the eating habits and dental care routines of patients, of which they want to provide the best dental care to as possible.


Friday, October 19, 2012

It’s Almost New Year’s – Time to Use Your Dental Insurance Up Before it Renews


Are you still putting off seeing the dentist and you have yet to use any or all of your dental insurance coverage for the year? Unlike those popular “roll over” cellular phone minute plans, dental insurance resets at the end of each fiscal year. Depending upon what type of coverage that you have, you could be missing out on as much as $1,500-$2,000 in dental care allotments that are afforded to you under your current insurance plan. So before you start the new year, perhaps start it out right by using up your dental benefits before they expire.



Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Dangers of Mercury Dental Amalgam Fillings – Why You Should Replace Them

Dangers of Mercury Dental Amalgam Fillings – Why You Should Replace Them


Dentistry has come a long way over the past six decades. Previously, there were only two popular options for tooth fillings: silver and gold. Silver was the most popular as it was more affordable than gold. Both gold and silver fillings looked unsightly in the mouth and were very noticeable, as were gold or silver caps and crowns. Numerous controversies has been stoked and deliberated over the dangers of silver fillings because they contain mercury, which is thought to contribute to toxicity dangers and prolonged health risks. Today, stronger, more durable and tooth-colored, mercury-free synthetic resin and or porcelain are used to fill teeth or crown and cap them—thus eradicating any previous concerns that were fomented over mercury fillings, and, of course, the rather unsightly nature of gold or silver-colored amalgams. If you still have silver fillings (or gold) and you’ve ever wondered why you should considered having them replaced, here are the top reasons why.



Monday, October 15, 2012

Saliva – Your Mouth’s First Defense Against Cavities

Saliva – Your Mouth’s First Defense Against Cavities

When most people think about commonly experienced oral health problems, they often think about the gums and teeth. Few actually think about the importance of saliva in preventing many oral health issues. Therefore, when most people suffer from dry mouth (xerostomia), they often overlook it, when in fact it can pose serious oral health risks. Considering that Americans spend nearly $2-billion per year on toothpaste, it’s safe to say we are an oral health conscious collective. But often dry mouth is overlooked (even in lieu of a rash of dry mouth treatment products that are currently on the market and which are nonprescription for the most part).

Saliva is your mouth’s first line of defense against harmful bacterium that can infect gums and teeth, and that is responsible for tooth decay and tooth loss. Furthermore, saliva is also the only way that the mouth can neutralize acids in foods that would otherwise contribute to enamel erosion and ultimately tooth decay and tooth infection as well as irritated gums more prone to gum disease. While saliva is composed of about 95% water, the other 5% is the real helper for your mouth and consists of: electrolytes, mucus, glycoproteins, enzymes, and antibacterial compounds.


Friday, October 12, 2012

Same Day Dental Implants: Get Four Dental Implants in Just One Day – Now Available at Dental Design Studio

Same Day Dental Implants | Dental Implants | Immediate Dental Implants | Instant ImplantsPreviously, dental implants were a tedious process that required multiple dental visits and checkups, surgery, often bone grafts if density wasn’t appropriate, and a lengthy healing time before the crowns (teeth) could be installed in the mouth. However, with newer procedures, dental implants can now be completed in just one day, in about two appointments (during the same day). Now you might be reading this and thinking to yourself, “Any time that I’ve asked about dental implants I was always told that the process could take as long as six months to a year for a single implant.” And such was indeed the case until recent technology and dental innovations were procured that have greatly reduced this process. We’ll shed some light on how this works and what it entails so you can see for yourself.

Overview: Same Day Dental Implants

A relatively newer and revolutionary process that involves the skills of highly experienced Oral Surgeons, Prosthodontists and Dental Implant Specialists has enabled the placing of four dental implants (top or bottom arch) in just a single visit during the same day. This procedure does not require any bone grafts (which often presented a lengthy delay for patients seeking dental implants), and provides patients with the wonderful opportunity of replacing broken or missing teeth with a minimally invasive procedure all in the same day.


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Introducing an Affordable Arizona Discount Dental Plan by Dental Design Studio

Save big time with reduced dental fees with our signature Arizona discount dental plan by DDS that entitles you to substantial savings with no waiting periods or claims.

Dental Design Studio is pleased to announce that our dental services and fees are now being offered at even more reduced rates for all patients who sign up for our annual Arizona discount dental plan (DDSVIP). As an enrolled DDSVIP member, you’ll be entitled to substantial savings off our normal dental fees. This Phoenix discount dental plan can be used for patients who are currently without dental insurance, or for patients who have already used up their allotment by their dental insurance plans. The plan covers a single patient or a family for a nominal annual fee, and doesn’t require any claim forms, deductibles or waiting periods. You can use the plan as much as you like, and for any dental services we offer, and enjoy vast discounts off our normal fee structure. Additionally, Dental Design Studio always features convenient financing options for patients where you could get dental financing as low as 0% interest (on approved credit).

Key Features of Our Discount Dental Plan Arizona:

Why Choose a Discount Dental Plan by DDS?

No matter where you reside, our dental plan works for you. If you move to another part of the valley, you can still use our plan as your Gilbert discount dental plan or even your Scottsdale discount dental plan – wherever we have offices (Scottsdale, Tempe, Gilbert & Phoenix), you can use your plan at our offices. Why pay more for the same high quality services that we always have offered when you can pay less for the same thing? With our low annual fees, you only pay one small fee for single persons or families for an entire year worth of coverage. With just one appointment, the plan basically pays for itself.

Learn More About Dental Design Studio’s Discount Dental Plan.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Dentists Nationwide Issue Warning to Parents Ensure “Your Children Are Brushing Their Teeth” – (Time to Find a Kid-friendly Dentist in Tempe?)

Dentists Nationwide Issue Warning to Parents Ensure “Your Children Are Brushing Their Teeth” – Time to find a Kid-friendly Dentist in Tempe

Seemingly, encouraging children to adopt general oral health practices that safeguard their teeth and gums from disease and decay is a given for proactive parents who are conscious about the health of their children. But according to leading dental providers, many children are still not brushing or flossing their teeth to avoid major health risks that can occur in the absence of adequate oral hygiene.


Friday, October 5, 2012

PRESS RELEASE: Dental Design Studio AZ Rings in Dental Hygiene Month with $39 New Patient Exam, X-rays & Cleaning

Phoenix dental care
Dental Design Studio, a full service dental office with four locations valley wide in Arizona, welcomes the arrival of Dental Hygiene Month by offering a $39 new patient special: digital x-rays, oral cancer screening and basic dental cleaning.Dental Design Studio, a full service dental office with four locations valley wide in Arizona, welcomes the arrival of Dental Hygiene Month by offering a $39 new patient special: digital x-rays, oral cancer screening and basic dental cleaning.


PHOENIX, ARIZONA (October 5th, 2012) – Dental Design Studio, a full service office that provides affordable Phoenix dental care valley wide with four locations in Arizona to serve patients – is pleased to welcome the arrival of Dental Hygiene Month. In celebration of this special month that specifically focuses upon oral hygiene, DDS is pleased to offer a new patient special for the entire month to help encourage patients to adhere to good oral hygiene.

For the entire month of October, 2012, Dental Design Studio will be offering a $39 new patient special that includes a full examination by a dentist in Phoenix, digital x-rays, oral cancer screening and basic dental cleaning. New patients can enjoy using this special offer at any of DDS’ four valley locations: Phoenix, Tempe, Scottsdale and Gilbert.

“We are pleased to welcome in Dental Hygiene Month by offering this limited time special to encourage good oral health in valley residents,” stated Mannie Badyal, DDS, founder of Dental Design Studio in Arizona. “Our goal is to provide affordable Phoenix dental care to patients from all walks of life to encourage good oral health and well-being throughout the great state of Arizona.”

To take advantage of this special on Phoenix dental care, patients are encouraged to call one of the four offices to schedule their appointment right away. At the present, DDS is currently accepting new patients to all four practices for a limited time.

The Phoenix dental office also features its own unique in-house discount dental plan that entitles patients to substantial discounts off dental services for a nominal annual fee. In-house financing plans such as Care Credit are also available to help patients with financing options.

Learn more about Dental Design Studio by visiting them online at: (

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Academy of General Dentistry Offers Five Tips on What to Refrain From for a Healthy Smile During Dental Hygiene Month

Phoenix dental careThis month is Dental Hygiene Month – and at Dental Design Studio we always encourage our patients to proactively pursue good oral health. As a premier provider of Phoenix dental care with four dental offices located in Arizona, we are pleased to support the oral hygiene awareness efforts of this month. In recent news, the Academy of General Dentistry has issued a reminder to all persons seeking good oral health on the top five things to avoid if you want to preserve your teeth and your smile.


Monday, October 1, 2012

October is National Dental Hygiene Month – Simple Tips for a Healthy Smile from Your Trusted Phoenix Dental Care Providers

October is National Dental Hygiene Month – Simple Tips for a Healthy Smile from Your Trusted Phoenix Dental Care Providers All of October is officially Dental Hygiene Month. This month serves as an important reminder to take proper care of your teeth, gums and oral health with proper dental care. With an estimated 80% or more of people worldwide suffering from gum disease – the leading cause of tooth loss – it never hurts to be reminded about how important dental care is. The following simple tips can help you more easily maintain a healthy, happy and bright smile.


Friday, September 28, 2012

ADA Asks Dentists to Participate in Fight Against Prescription Drug Abuse

ADA Asks Dentists to Participate in Fight Against Prescription Drug Abuse

With instances of prescription drug abuse on the rise in the US and around the rest of the world, the most recent proponent to step up to the ring in the fight against prescription drug abuse is the American Dental Association (ADA). According to the president of the ADA, William R. Carnon, the abuse of prescription drugs and or the underlying dangers that expired or unused prescription drugs pose to children (when they are left to age inside of medicine cabinets and are often forgotten about) is an epidemic that affects people from all walks of life—and one that’s a growing problem that can be stemmed with proper education.


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Cancer Research UK Urges More Dentists to Conduct Oral Cancer Screenings in Patients

Cancer Research UK Urges More Dentists to Conduct Oral Cancer Screenings in Patients

Reports across Europe and the US are emerging, mostly funded and released by reputable organizations, urging dentists and patients to be more proactive about oral cancer screenings. In the UK, for example, an organization called Cancer Research UK is at the forefront of a notable campaign geared at raising oral cancer awareness and encouraging dentists and patients to more frequently submit to oral cancer screenings to help stem the growing tide of the cancer pandemic worldwide. Oral cancer, much like any other cancer, is far more treatable when detected in the early stages. Tragically, many cases are not diagnosed until late stages, and the high mortality rate of sufferers (estimated at 43% worldwide) reflects that prognosis.



Monday, September 24, 2012

Watch the Sugar & Snacks, Experts Warn – Cavities in Baby Teeth on the Rise in US

Watch the Sugar & Snacks, Experts Warn – Cavities in Baby Teeth Skyrocketing in USCould eating habits and snacking habits that you allow your children to indulge in actually be bad for their teeth and be contributing to a nationwide pandemic with cavities in children’s teeth? According to numerous leading experts, the answer is a profoundly simple: YES. A recent report that issued by MSNBC Health purports that the largest dental study in more than 25 years has concluded that cavities in children’s teeth ages 2-4 have increased 4% by comparison to the numbers a decade ago. In fact, for the past 40 years, there’s been a vast increase in children’s cavities overall; a number that’s increasingly risen from decade to decade.


Friday, September 21, 2012

Affordable Dental Crowns in Arizona – Three Things to Know

Affordable Dental Crowns in Arizona – Three Things to Know About Them A Look at Arizona Dental Crowns
Dental crowns are custom made and created porcelain crowns for teeth that are used to correct broken, damaged, decaying or infected teeth after they have been treated. There can be a few different kinds of dental crowns, including: all ceramic crowns, porcelain fused to metal crowns, and full metal crowns. A large cavity in a tooth may require that a dental crown be custom fitted and cemented in place after treating the infection to prevent further decay to the tooth and to repair the structural soundness. Dental crowns like veneers are also used to rejuvenate smiles. The two most frequent uses for dental crowns are to correct a tooth after a root canal therapy procedure has been intimated and to repair a smile using veneers (cosmetic).


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

New Study Reports that Women’s Hormones Affect Dental Health

New Study Reports that Women’s Hormones Affect Lifelong Dental HealthCould the health of your teeth be based upon your sex? That’s what a new study that was recently released by Case Western Reserve University School of Dental Medicine indicates. In fact, the study, which was released in May, 2012, states that normal hormonal changes in women that naturally occur from pre-puberty and onwards have the propensity to increase their risks for gum disease, bone loss and can even complicate pregnancies. It’s already widely agreed that natural monthly hormonal changes in women exacerbate certain ailments, like the common ailments felt during menstruation, such as: lightheadedness, dizziness, stomach cramping, headaches, bloating and others. But could these same hormonal occurrences be detrimental to dental health, too?



Monday, September 17, 2012

The Importance of Regular Gilbert Dental Cleanings – Top Five Reasons Not to Put Them Off

Gilbert Dental Cleanings

No matter where you live, seeing your dentist for a regular dental cleaning is a necessary part of maintaining proper oral health and in taking good care of your teeth and gums. There are actually quite a few candid reasons why one should be proactive with their dental cleanings and incorporate them as part of their regular, progressive dental care acumen. It’s also important to note that the frequency of such cleanings may vary between different persons. For example, a person who has poor gum health or who is suffering from gingivitis (an estimated 85% of all people in the world suffer from this early stage of gum disease), or persons who suffer from advanced gum diseases, like periodontitis, may require more frequent Gilbert dental cleanings than persons who have healthier gums and teeth.


Friday, September 14, 2012

Four Ways the Best Gilbert Dentist Puts Patients’ Minds at Ease

Four Ways the Best Gilbert Dentist Puts Patients’ Minds at Ease The Best Gilbert Dentist Helps You Relax: It’s all about making the patient confident, comfortable, cozy and relaxed when it comes time for their appointment. We all know that dental work can be a drag for lots of folks. Most people just feel inconvenienced when they have to visit the dentist or the doctor and take time out of their busy schedule, and then comes the actual dental work itself. There are probably few people on the planet that will raise their hands up and get all giddy about having their teeth drilled for cavities, or getting a regular dental cleaning, or being subjected to more invasive dental work like the dreaded root canal. However, when you have the best Gilbert dentist as your primary practitioner, these seemingly pretentious premonitions and anxieties dissipate.



Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Gilbert Dental Care: Simple Tips for TMJ Relief (Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD))

What is TMJ?

TMJ is the acronym (or shortening) of the term: temporomandibular joint. It’s commonly used to refer to temporomandibular disorders (TMD) that people suffer from in the jaw, caused by malfunction of this joint. For all extents and purposes, most people and doctors simply refer to it as TMJ. The temporomandibular joint is a joint that connects the lower jaw (mandible) to the temporal bone in the skull. The joint enables control up of the upper and lower movements of the jaw, allowing it to move superfluously and enabling speaking, yawning and other jaw movements. When this joint becomes inflamed, or is defective, a number of symptoms can occur that can cause serious discomfort in patients.



Monday, September 10, 2012

Zoom Whitening Gilbert – Just an Hour Can Change Your Smile Forever

Zoom Whitening Gilbert – How Just an Hour Can Change Your Smile Forever What is Zoom Whitening Gilbert? If you have ever noticed people walking around flaunting immaculately whiter smiles than other people, there’s a fairly good chance that they have used teeth bleaching to obtain that signature “pearly white.” The most popular teeth whitening system is a bleaching system called Zoom.

Read Full Story on Dental Design Studio's Blog

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Are Affordable Arizona Dental Crowns Myth or Reality?

It’s generally that last thing that any patient wants to here: “Your tooth is infected and we need to do a root canal in order to save the tooth and eliminate the infection.” Not only does the mere thought of getting a root canal stifle most patients, but also the cost that’s involved is enough to make anyone wince before the dentist even touches their mouth. Dental crowns are part of the restoration process that’s involved in root canal therapy, and are necessary after the therapy has been completed in order to preserve and save the tooth and restore its structural integrity. Since a large portion of the tooth is compromised in order to perform this endodontic procedure, a crown is necessary afterwards to protect the exposed portions of the tooth from re-infection and to restore the bite. Unfortunately, for those seeking to have a crown placed on a tooth following a root canal procedure, they generally will be asked to shell out $1000-$1500, depending upon the crown type. This leads up to the question at hand: Are affordable dental crowns in Arizona a myth or can they be obtained, and if so, how does one go about procuring them while ensuring they are receiving high quality dental care?


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Bruxism (Teeth Grinding) Why It’s Important to See Your Dentist

affordable Tempe dentist

What is Bruxism?

Bruxism is the grinding, gnashing or clenching of the teeth and of the jaw, which may be an unconscious or subliminal action by those who suffer from it; meaning that you may not even realize that you are doing it, or that you may do it when you are asleep. When people grind or clench their teeth while sleeping, it is called: sleep bruxism.

According to the Mayo Clinic:

“Bruxism may be mild and may not even require treatment. However, it can be frequent and severe enough to lead to jaw disorders, headaches, damaged teeth and other problems. Because you may have sleep bruxism and be unaware of it until complications develop, it’s important to know the signs and symptoms of bruxism and to seek regular dental care.”



Friday, August 31, 2012

Arizona Porcelain Veneers – The Gorgeous Smile Makeover

Arizona Porcelain Veneers – The Gorgeous Smile Makeover What Are Porcelain Veneers?

If you have ever seen some of the movie stars smile and it looks too good to be true – guess what… that’s more than likely the case. Not to say that some of them didn’t go through the meticulous process of having orthodontic fixtures installed when they were children to correct any inconsistencies with the spacing of their teeth. And also not to say that there are not a moribund amount of people who naturally are blessed with perfect teeth or who maintain them well with proper dental hygiene and regular visits to their dentist. Just to say the term “Hollywood Smile” emanated and originated from somewhere, and that somewhere is the A-list entourage.



Wednesday, August 29, 2012

How a Dental Bridge Corrects Gaps in Teeth

How a Dental Bridge Corrects Gaps in Teeth Modern day dentistry has paved the road with intuition, powered by technology and advancing dental sciences, opening up the doors to a wide array of newer and more profound cosmetic solutions for patients. For patients who are missing a tooth and have an undesirable empty space between their teeth, a dental bridge may be the answer to resolving this issue. If you have ever wondered what a dental bridge is, and how it can help replace a missing tooth, this blog can catch you up to speed.


Monday, August 27, 2012

Gum Boils – Why You Should See a Dentist Immediately

Gum Boils – Why You Should See a Dentist Immediately What Are Gum Boils?

A gum boil (gingival abscess) is a way of your body expelling or trying to expel bacteria and infection in the teeth, pulp chambers of the teeth and from the root canals of the mouth. Since there is very limited space in those areas, gum boils can form when infection is present as a way for the body to drain the infection. Gum boils generally mean that a tooth or root has become infected and requires treatment. In most cases, gum boils are the distinguishing sign of an abscessed tooth. If an abscessed tooth is the cause of the gum boils, your dentist will consider performing a root canal. A lot of people are frightened about a root canal because they infamously associate this type of very common dental procedure with a lot of pain and discomfort. But such is actually not the case whatsoever.



Thursday, August 23, 2012

Loathe String Flossing? Water Flossing Could be the Answer

Flossing is not fun for everyone. Perhaps it’s safe to say that most people do not get pumped up about flossing their teeth. And when you are tired, in a hurry or just don’t feel like flossing (but you know that you have to for good oral health), it can feel like another monotonous chore. Some people are just terrible about flossing their teeth, and when you are not flossing your teeth daily at least one time in between meals or before bed, plaque, tartar and germs can infest your teeth, contributing to significant oral health risks and compromising the health of your teeth, gums and mouth. But there is an answer for those who are not fond of string flossing: water flossing.



Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Toothache: Why it’s Important to See a Dentist Right Away

Toothache: Why it’s Important to See a Dentist Right Away

Your day started out just fine and dandy. Then you were hit by a sudden, sharp and throbbing pain in your mouth. Panicked, you realize that you are more than likely suffering from a toothache. This type of painful shock can traumatize any person and seriously dampen their day. Trying to even function with a toothache is next to impossible. It’s also not something that you want to leave idle, either. A toothache generally represents a serious infection in your tooth that requires treatment right away in order to correct as well as ease the pain.


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Press Release: Arizona Dental Design Studio Gumshoes in Affordable Phoenix Dental Crowns at Prices That Won’t Make You Pull Your Teeth Out

Arizona Dental Design Studio is pleased to announce affordable Arizona dental crowns made in US labs at prices that won’t leave patients pulling their teeth out.

August 21, 2012 — Arizona Dental Design Studio (, a premier provider of quality, affordable dentistry in Arizona, is pleased to announce an ongoing special on Arizona dental crowns: any crown, any tooth, only $695 per crown (including ceramic crowns and veneers). For a limited time, new patients can enjoy a $39 new patient special, which includes an oral examination by a dentist, oral cancer screening, x-rays and regular dental cleaning.

“For patients who are seeking to correct their smile, veneers are a popular choice for smile rehabilitation,” explained Mannie Badyal, DDS, founder of Dental Design Studio in Arizona. “Unfortunately, up until recently, most people couldn’t afford the high cost of porcelain veneers (or other dental crowns needed to repair teeth). With our new affordable Phoenix dental crowns special, now patients can afford a brand new smile at the lowest prices in the valley.”



Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Truth About Dental X-Ray Radiation (A Single Airplane Flight Exposes You to More)


The Truth About Dental X-Ray Radiation (A Single Airplane Flight Exposes You to More)

According to Associated Radiologists, PA, the amount of radiation that one receives from standard dental x-rays are much less than even the amount of radiation that you would be exposed to on a cross country flight. The doctors over there compiled a helpful breakdown of average radiation exposure levels for a variety of different types of x-ray treatments and situations where one would be exposed to radiation.



Monday, August 13, 2012

Cheap Dental Crown Phoenix – Three Things to Mark On Your Checklist

What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are molded and created caps for teeth that are used to replace broken, damaged, decaying or infected teeth after they have been treated. There is a variety of different types of dental crowns, including: all ceramic crowns, porcelain fused to metal crowns, and full metal crowns. A large cavity in a tooth may require that a dental crown be molded and cemented in place after treatment to prevent further damage to the tooth and to restore the structural integrity. Dental crowns like veneers are also used to rehabilitate smiles. The two most common uses for dental crowns are to restore a tooth after a root canal therapy procedure has been performed, and to correct a smile using veneers (cosmetic). Dental crowns are used to restore a tooth and prevent an extraction of the tooth, thus preserving a smile and teeth for lifetime.



Friday, August 10, 2012

Top Five Things to Look for When Choosing a New Dentist

Choosing a new dentist is a tough choice to make for most people. An unfamiliar dentist can cause much anxiety – especially if you have children who have grown accustomed to seeing your previous family dentist for quite some time. However, on occasion a new dentist is warranted. The most common reasons for choosing a new dentist include: relocation, new insurance plan that does not cover your prior dentist and personal choice. To better help you arrive at a decision on a quality, caring dentist in Arizona, here are some helpful things to look for during your search.


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Bad Breath – When It’s Time to See Your Dentist

What Causes Bad Breath?

Bad breath – it’s the last thing that you want to have to deal with after your busy day. That icky and yucky, odiferous feeling and taste in your mouth that literally feels like there is an ocean of organisms inhabiting your teeth. Wouldn’t you know it, bad breath is actually caused by organisms; microscopic organisms called bacteria, of which there are more than 600 types of bacterium that love to call the mouth home. Many of these bacteria consider the tongue their primary destination, and love to occupy the back of the tongue, where it is dark, warm and wet; the ideal breeding ground for bacteria. So here is what actually causes bad breath – in most cases. A majority of the bacteria emit what are called “malodorous compounds.” These compounds, combined with fatty acids and amino acids that break down proteins, are what cause that distinguishable odor from bad breath. As a matter of fact, in about 80-85% of all cases of bad breath—it can be directly attributed to these odiferous bacterium and malodorous compounds. Aside from bacteria, there are some other causes of bad breath.



Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Root Canal Phoenix – A Quick Guide to Endodontic Therapy for Infected Teeth


A root canal is a seemingly nefarious dental procedure for many patients. This is because it’s typically been associated with some previously feared forms of dentistry. However, as a matter of fact, a root canal Phoenix procedure is virtually painless, when done properly, and for the patient who requires this type of endodontic therapy, it generally provides immediate pain relief from a toothache from an infected nerve or root in a tooth. Learn more about this procedure in today’s blog post.



Tuesday, August 7, 2012

What is Invisalign — Is It Right for You?

Phoenix, AZ Invisalign Financing

Did you know that more than 1.7-million people have used or are currently using Invisalign invisible braces? For many people, the mere thought of even getting braces is enough to turn heads. Orthodontic fixtures are quintessentially associated with mouth pains, mouth sores, difficulty in cleaning, discomfort and, of course, the dreaded metal mouth look that most people would rather avoid.

Learn more about a popular alternative to metal braces called Invisalign, and find out whether or not it is right for you. We offer affordable Phoenix, AZ Invisalign Financing.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Bleeding Gums – Something to Take Care of Right Away

bleeding gums

Bleeding Gums

The health of your teeth is colloquial to the health of your gums. Healthy gums equal healthy teeth. There are some people who may suffer from bleeding gums; even if they adhere to a stringent oral hygiene philosophy. If you do notice that your gums bleed when you brush or floss, it is a good idea to make an appointment to see your dental